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Associate professor, Mickaël Bettinelli, PhD in computer science (distributed artificial intelligence), 2021, Master of computer science (artificial intelligence), 2018, is working at the university Savoie Mont Blanc at the LISTIC laboratory. He worked at the university of Oulu as a postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Ubiquitous Computing for the Fractal project (EU Horizon 2020 programme). He obtained his PhD at the university Grenoble Alpes working on a collective intelligence approach for a decision support system in the Circular project (IDEX funding). Mickaël Bettinelli is particularly interested in federated learning, distributed intelligence, complex systems, the emergence of collective behaviour and the resilience of distributed systems. His current research is about federated learning and its use to improve the resilience of distributed systems.

Popularising Science

  • I've always loved YouTube. I particularly admire science popularisers who share their knowledge with the world. In 2023, I launched a (french speaking) channel where I do my best to explain complex computer science topics to everyone. These videos cover the courses I give at university, but also my field of research. If you're interested, have a look for yourself!


  • I am currently developping an educational game called DonatelloPyzza. This game is a simple gridworld environment in Python where you can implement the behaviour of a turtle to find a pizza. It's simplicity makes it suitable for young beginners. It is currently used for my bachelor students.

  • Donatello's repository on github

  • Donatello's documentation on this website


Visit my Scholar to see my last works!


  • ABSG: a Socially Inspired Coalition Formation Agent Model. Mickaël Bettinelli, Michel Occello, Damien Genthial, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2021.
  • ABSG : un modèle d’agent socialement inspiré pour la formation de coalitions. Mickaël Bettinelli, Michel Occello, Damien Genthial, JFSMA, 2021. Best Paper Award!


  • Coalition Formation Problem : a Group Dynamics Inspired Swarming Method. Mickaël Bettinelli, Michel Occello, Damien Genthial, 12th International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ANTS), 2020.
  • A Decision Support Framework for Remanufacturing of Highly Variable Products Using a Collective Intelligence Approach. Procedia CIRP. Mickaël Bettinelli, Michel Occello, Damien Genthial, Daniel Brissaud, 27th CIRP Life Cycle Engineering (LCE) Conference, 2020.
  • Cohesion as a tool for maintaining the functional integrity of a multi-agent system. Mickaël Bettinelli, Damien Genthial, Michel Occello, ICAART, 2020.


  • Production of the future to support circular economy. Fabien Dubois, Akash Basia, Asiye Kurt, Mickaël Bettinelli, Pu Zheng, Vincent Jourdain, Kévin Guelle, ICCAD, 2019.
  • La cohésion comme outil pour le maintien de l’intégrité fonctionnelle d’un système multi-agents. Mickaël Bettinelli, Damien Genthial, Michel Occello, JFSMA, 2019.



  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Responsable pédagogique BUT 3 parcours A alternance


  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Responsable pédagogique BUT 3 parcours A alternance

Teaching (388h)


  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Machine learning - Course leader & lecturer (3rd year students), 24h

  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Cryptographie et sécurité - Course leader & lecturer (2nd year students), 46h

  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Cryptographie et sécurité - Course leader & lecturer (2nd year students), 12h


  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - IoT - Course leader & lecturer (2nd year students), 60h

  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Cryptographie et sécurité - Course leader & lecturer (2nd year students), 46h

  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Architecture logicielle - teaching assistant (2nd year students), 34h

  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Qualité de développment - lecturer (2nd year students), 16h

  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Cryptographie et sécurité - Course leader & lecturer (2nd year students), 12h


  • University Savoie Mont Blanc - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Cryptographie et sécurité - Course leader & lecturer (2nd year students), 46h

  • University of Oulu - Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering - Systèmes distribués - Course leader & lecturer (master students), 22h


  • University Grenoble Alpes - Casir bachelor - Base du codage en Python - Course leader & lecturer (3rd year students), 24h

  • University Grenoble Alpes - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Conception d’application avec UML - chargé de TD (1st year students), 21h


  • University Grenoble Alpes - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Développement d’application en C# - chargé de TP (2nd year students), 18h

  • University Grenoble Alpes - Casir bachelor - Base du codage en Python - Course leader & lecturer (3rd year students), 12h

  • University Grenoble Alpes - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Conception d’application avec UML - chargé de TD (1st year students), 21h


  • University Grenoble Alpes - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Développement d’application web en PHP - chargé de TP (2nd year students), 15h

  • University Grenoble Alpes - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Développement d’application en C# - chargé de TP (2nd year students), 18h

  • University Grenoble Alpes - University Institutes of Technology, computer science department - Conception d’application avec UML - chargé de TD (1st year students), 21h


Evaluation de projets de recherche

  • Programme "Toulouse Initiative for Research's Impact on Society" (TIRIS) : 2023

Technical Program Committee member

  • International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN) : 2024
  • International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing (MobiSPC) : 2024
  • Smart Mobility and Logistics Ecosystems (SMILE-2024), track Sustainable Cognitive Cities : 2024
  • International Conference on Emerging Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN) : 2023
  • Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems (EXTRAAMAS) : 2023
  • International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT) : 2023


  • Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) : 2024
  • International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS) : 2023
  • Revue Ouverte d’Intelligence Artificielle (ROIA) : 2021
  • International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART) : 2020
  • Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA) : 2019, 2020, 2021